Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Bringing our new Living History Workshops to life.

Launching the new one woman history workshops is Melissa Waldron -  lead facilitator at The Hands-On Company. do I feel?

It's very exciting and a bit daunting. We have been in negotiation with Gill Whitten for nearly a year, concerning taking over her wonderful primary workshops for exploring specific historical eras. And  now it is real.

Gill has been an inspirational presence in schools for the past 25 years. I have shadowed her and witnessed her impact on young people. There is a real sense of occasion and excitement when she arrives in a school from children and teachers. Can I fill her shoes?

I have spent a lot of time with Gill and her generosity in sharing her philosophy on interactive learning and her creative approach to history has been impressive. I know I'm gushing about Gill, but she is a force to be reckoned with.

This summer I've researched different eras, visited museums and made new artifacts. I am anticipating an awfully big adventure when I take on this work.

Back to the books.

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